Roland HD-1
Started by DrumBox

7 posts in this topic

07-02-21, 20:56 -

I´m trying hard to connect my Roland HD-1 drumset to SB. Everything works fine with my midi-keyboards.
The HD-1 sends midinotes on Channel 10. How can I setup SB so that it receives midinotes from channel 10.
(I guess that is the problem?!)

Any idea?

Thank you!!!

HD-1 sends Note Numbers between 36-51.
Channel 10 is fixed.

169 posts 17 threads Joined: Dec 2020
08-02-21, 00:06 -
The midi channel is set in the configuration.txt via the MIDI_CHANNEL parameter. See the "configuration&usage" tab.

08-02-21, 23:24 -
(08-02-21, 00:06)hansehv Wrote: The midi channel is set in the configuration.txt via the MIDI_CHANNEL parameter. See the "configuration&usage" tab.

Hi Hans,

that works! But now I always have to set the channel in the .txt when I want to change my midi device.
Perhaps this is the moment where I have to buy a second pi Smile

But I hope that there is another solution.

Am I right that I can fix this permanently by using keynotes.cvs together with notemap.cvs
and then remap the incoming notes from channel10 to the masterchannel - somehow?

Or is it even possible to set the receiving midichannle per sampleset?
I found this sample-level keyword %channel here:

Another way I can think of is to add a dropdown for switching channels in the webgui.

I´m not sure if one of this thoughts leads to a result!
I hope that anybody can help me out.

Thank you

169 posts 17 threads Joined: Dec 2020
09-02-21, 23:03 -
[quote pid="14" dateline="1612826661"]
But I hope that there is another solution.

Am I right that I can fix this permanently by using keynotes.cvs together with notemap.cvs
and then remap the incoming notes from channel10 to the masterchannel - somehow?

Or is it even possible to set the receiving midichannle per sampleset?
I found this sample-level keyword %channel here:

Another way I can think of is to add a dropdown for switching channels in the webgui.

Hi DrumBox,
To make sure we are on the same page:
On this site ( you find corresponding image and docs.
The docs you refer to on correspond to Alex's version which hasn't had updates for quite a while. He included lots of code of my version of that time (and vice versa) which makes parameters look similar. But please don't mixup docs & versions.

I was and I'm still not in favor of this channel / sample set, as this can result in the midi instrument  loosing control while browsing through the the list (you cut of the branch you're sitting on). You might argue it's responsibilty of the owner, but I'm sure it will end up in lots of questions in the forum.

There are two other options that will cover the options you mention except for the pad being the master - as explained above the box has one master only.
  • Drumpads option, see More info=>drumpads.
    Here the box will play the sounds of the notes defined for the pad in all voices. Only note on/off messages are accepted.
  • Multitimbral option, see More info=>Multitimbrals.
    Here the box will use the voice assigned to channel (voice defaults to channel#, so voice 10 for drums).
    Note on/off messages and program changes are accepted.
    Program changes will result in voice=sound change within the sample set.
    Bottom line: this covers channel on sample level.
Documentation on both is very brief but will  come to life when experimenting. For the multitimbral option you'll find and a working example in the internal sequencer sample set (I think it's the third one).

Personal usage:
I've reprogrammed a drumpad to use the master channel, so the the keyboard player and me can play simultaneously. To avoid conflicts I also reprogrammed the pads to send notes outside the keyboard area.
For real drums very clumsy as you need to rename the standard drumwavs.  Since I use that pad as an addition to my drumkit for special things (prerecorded background rifs/vocals/loops and special sounds), note assignment is special anyway. When using voice=0 (FXchannel) for fixed sounds, the keyboard player can even switch voices as she likes without affecting my drumpad sounds.

Last but not least: the webgui option. Interesting idea, have to think about that - so thanks
This post was last modified: 09-02-21, 23:13 by hansehv.

13-02-21, 19:01 -
Hi hansehv,

thank you very much for your reply!

I do now understand the differences of all the versions!
At the first glance it looked like your code was a further development of Alex's last version since this was not improved anymore.

I tried the multitimbral-option of your demo.
And it was not very stable on my setup. Sometimes SB identified my HD-1, sometimes it doesn't!
And when I could play the drumsounds the latency was clearly noticeable.

So I came up with the following:
I had another sd card left.
I configured another image with Midimaster=10.
Now I have to choose at startup which Instrument/SD Card I want  to play.
Not very elegant in terms of coding but very practical for me.
It feels like choosing the car key to decide if I want to drive porsche or ferrari today Smile
And I have a Joker in the backhand! I will ask a friend of mine, who is a professional in contrast to me, to check out the midichannel dropdown on the webgui.
I will let you know!

Anyway...playing around with the samplerbox is really fun and inspiring!
My actual setup is playing different sounds & waveshapes with the keyboard of my Korg Monologue (connected via USB)
and then wireing the Samplerbox Output to Monologue Audio Input!
So I can use Cutoff, Envelope and LFO to treat the sound.
A fun and cheap way to get some kind of "Polylogue" Smile

That´s why I want to thank you for all your efforts!!!!

169 posts 17 threads Joined: Dec 2020
Lightbulb  14-02-21, 22:41 -
Hi Drumbox,
You triggered my curiosity and as I'm preparing next beta as we speak, I figured I could drag this in as last minute enhancement.
..which last minute change seemed weird to me as:
All adaptable variables can potentially be set by the webgui and buttons (though buttons can't support mapping obviously).

And indeed, both button menu and webgui have this option. In the webgui you'll find it in the LCDmenu as mimicked button function and readme screen as a normal dropdown.
It's hard to find as I figured it to be a seldom used function.
Which appears it's true, as it doesn't work anymore  Angry and nobody seems to have noticed  Huh

No matter, it was a silly typo and now fixed. Now the options for you:

  1. In modules/UI.pi, on lines 465,466 change  gv.MIDICHANNEL  into  gv.MIDI_CHANNEL.
    For getting the dropdown on a better place in the GUI, please refer to "more info->tweaking the webgui" in the docs and the examples on the readme screen of the webgui.
  2. Wait 4-8 weeks for next release. Bug fixed and dropdown on a less obscure place in the webGUI.
  3. Try the drumchannel option
  4. Investigate why the multitimbral option doesn't always work.
    Next release will show the connected devices in the webgui, which may be a help.
    I might be of help investigating, but for that please register and use private messages - see rules...

4 posts 2 threads Joined: Feb 2021
16-02-21, 19:26 -
Hi Hans, 

I have chosen the red pill!
Which means I decided to go for the option number one.

First I had to figure out how to access the "hidden" partitions.
I´m a mac user but with a trial version of Paragon extFS I can see clearly now
and I do understand what you were talking about all the time:-)

Believe it or not! I managed by myself to fix the corrupt lines in
And... what makes me really proud...
I was able to add a MidiChannel dropdown to the webgui!
And it is not only good looking it is also working as it should.
(Do not tell my boss, the whole project took me half a day of my valuable working time Blush )

Once again thank you for your help and patience.

...are there any other ideas for tweaking?? I have another 9 days of extFS trial Wink

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169 posts 17 threads Joined: Dec 2020
Thumbs Up  16-02-21, 20:55 -
Hi Drumbox,
Nice work, that's the DIY spirit.
Have (more) fun, Hans