Display hdmi vs usb vs howto
Started by captainswamp

3 posts in this topic

3 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2021
18-05-21, 12:35 -
Hi together,

I just started the Samplerbox and so far, everything works well. Really sweet work Hans! Thank you very much.

And I really like the screen I see with the SSID connection.

Is there a possibility to integrate a touchscreen with exactely this view of the SSID on its screen (in the best case by HDMI or USB as I have a hifiberry dac+ hat assembled). 

As a first test, I tried to put on a normal PC screen via HDMI and that shows nothing :-( am I doing anything wrong?

Looking forward to some help of you guys :-)

Best regareds

cpt. Swamp
This post was last modified: 19-05-21, 06:21 by captainswamp.

3 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2021
Smile  19-05-21, 12:44 -
By the way. touchscreen is King but if its easier, also a normal screen 5-7" and a touchpad would work too. Main thing is that "SSID-view/operator-panel" on that screen [Image: smile.png]

Or is there a possbility to get onto that scren via my smartphone?

Ahhhhhh! Sorry Hans, I just found out, that you already answered my question of the smartphone here:

Please apologize for waking you up, guys [Image: smile.png]


This post was last modified: 19-05-21, 13:19 by captainswamp.

169 posts 17 threads Joined: Dec 2020
19-05-21, 20:31 -
Hi captainswamp,
Thanks and good to see you're getting along.

A direct connected screen is not part of possibilities right now. Basic functionality is covered by the webgui and it's not an easy addition either, eating resources from the main goal (making music) if not implemented carefully.
So yes, I have considered this, but since I've still got plenty other interesting features on the wishlist, short-term development on this won't come from my side.

Connecting a direct screen like you did, will result in the linux commandline and if the hdmi is connected after startup the screen can appear quite empty Wink
You can find some docs on that for debugging etc. You cannot "user control" the samplerbox from there, so in most cases it's not necessary to use the console connection.

In general: if you take the time to read and experiment, it can be a serious addition to your gear. But it surely is no "swipe and go" gadget.

Anyway: have fun.

3 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2021
20-05-21, 10:35 -
Hi Hans,

thanks for your answer. The GUI works wonderful for me. There is no more I need at the moment. In addtion it allows me to work with the Hifi-Berry Case that is decent, small and beautiful.

Thanks again for your work. I'm really looking forward to what is on your wishlist

Stay true
