How to use a different sound set?
Started by Apalacia

1 posts in this topic

29-04-22, 04:04 -
I'd like to use the Salamander Piano set. I have the folder.

I'd like it to load first, on boot (boot straight to the piano sound) because I don't have a 'program' button and therefore can't switch sounds with my piano. (extra question: can I switch sounds with a qwerty keyboard?)

What do I change on the sd card to have it load '0 piano' instead of '0 Demo'?

(I tried several things. The 0 Demo loaded good, so I know that works). I tried changing the folder name so the 0 folder would be Piano, and I tried renaming the 0 piano to 0 demo in case it was that. But it doesn't seem to want to load the piano with these changes. Any ideas?

40 posts 0 threads Joined: Jan 2021
29-04-22, 21:22 -
Hi Apalacia,
First: since you have '0 saw', I don't think you are using the version available on this forum's site  Since the versions are not compatible, you might get wrong answers here.

But I'll give it a try:
The old/original version tries to load set '0 name', either from stick or internal storage. Name doesn't matter. So the 0 has to be unique; perhaps you kept the '0 saw' which is then the first 0 it finds.
Version on this site will pick the lowest number, but numbers have to be unique as well.
... and a lot more differences... Wink

Regards, Noek