07-09-22, 20:36 -
Hi Conrad,
It's indeed related to the CC-message.
In the distribution, the label=name "modwheel" is related to CC-message=1 in the Controllers.CSV - as this is the midi standard. Perhaps your device is setup differently ?
The distribution has the "midimon" command to trace the midi messages you device sends.
And the wahsound is available, no matter you control depth with the wheel.
But as any effect, it needs to be turned on via a control, button or gui before you can hear any of the changes of its nature.
Neither Wah or Vibrato are turned on or off when the depth setting is changed.
It's indeed related to the CC-message.
In the distribution, the label=name "modwheel" is related to CC-message=1 in the Controllers.CSV - as this is the midi standard. Perhaps your device is setup differently ?
The distribution has the "midimon" command to trace the midi messages you device sends.
And the wahsound is available, no matter you control depth with the wheel.
But as any effect, it needs to be turned on via a control, button or gui before you can hear any of the changes of its nature.
Neither Wah or Vibrato are turned on or off when the depth setting is changed.