Started by b00k1sh

0 posts in this topic

08-08-21, 20:47 -
I had my Samplerbox setup using the HD44780 LCD, but I wanted to add a DAC. Seeing the option of using the SSD1306 OLED, I thought it would be helpful to have a display that required fewer GPIO connections. I downloaded the latest image and mounted it on my micro SD, and configured the config.txt to use my DAC and the SSD1306.

I purchased a IQaudo DAC Pro hat, and that is working for me. The next thing that I want to tackle is adding the SSD1306 OLED.

At first, I didn't realize that the SSD1306 has different pin configurations for SPI and IC2, and for SPI, one would need a version of the OLED with more pins. I purchased a 7-pin version of this OLED from the manufacturer HiLetgo (Hailege).

I connected vcc to 3.3v pin 1, ground to the grounding pin 6, reset to the GPIO 25 pin 22, dc to the GPIO 24 pin 18, cs to the SPI GPIO 8 pin 24. There are 2 other pins that I don't know what to do with. These are listed as D0 and D1 on the unit, which I assume correspond to Clock and Data.

Where can I see/find/troubleshoot the connections for these 2 pins within the latest image for Samplerbox? Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thank you!

I think I may have answered my own question, where CLK is GPIO 11 (pin 23) and DATA is MOSI GPIO 10 (pin 19). I may have a defective OLED, as I don't get any output. I am ordering an SH1106 to test.

If it is a configuration issue, I'll troubleshoot further. I am pretty sure that the GPIO pins for the IQaudio DAC pro that I am using should still be available to the OLED. The IQaudio uses all power outs and ground pins, but that should be a shared resource and not an issue for powering the OLED, if I am not mistaken.

If anyone has had similar issues/questions/concerns, I look forward to benefiting from your experience.