20x4 LCD only displays 16x2 output?? (I2C)
Started by s1100

1 posts in this topic

04-11-24, 23:16 -
Hardware: 20x4 LCD w/ I2C backpack

Only displays 2 lines in 16x2 mode... the other 2 lines are blank

Config info:
"USE_I2C_LCD = True" --> displays 16x2
"USE_I2C_LCD = 20x4" --> no output
"USE_I2C_LCD = 16x2" --> no output

("USE_HD44780_16x2_LCD = False" in all cases)

Anything else to try?  Thanks for input/ideas

Question  22-01-25, 07:56 -
Can anyone confirm if this is the proper config code for an I2C 20x4 screen, similar to the photo?

"USE_I2C_LCD = 20x4"

[Image: AMC2004AR-B-B6WTDW-I2C-1.jpg]