Samplerbox / Pirate Audio Lineout / Pi 3B+ question(s)
Started by TomClancysRainbowSeven

2 posts in this topic

2 posts 1 threads Joined: Dec 2024
09-12-24, 22:03 -
hi Noek! thanks for the reply, and yeah Glenn's guide is the one I was referring to in my post! Smile  I replaced those configuration files with Glenn's specific ones for the pirate audio, so I'm wondering if I've maybe got to do any further tweaks? 

for the record, is it literally just replacing .txt files in the BOOT / Samplerbox folders, or am I meant to be doing anything more in the back end that I need to learn?

thanks again

Messages In This Thread
RE: Samplerbox / Pirate Audio Lineout / Pi 3B+ question(s) - by TomClancysRainbowSeven - 09-12-24, 22:03