Samplerbox / Pirate Audio Lineout / Pi 3B+ question(s)
Started by TomClancysRainbowSeven

2 posts in this topic

40 posts 0 threads Joined: Jan 2021
09-12-24, 21:06 -

Indeed there are a few things to be changed as every soundcard has its own specifics. And as long as the Raspberry does not recognize the hardware, Samplerbox can't find it either. There is a hint for that in the configuration tab of the docs when you expand "In the root".
But sometimes it's hard to find / a bit cryptic.
I assume Hans focused on the software and tech docs.

For the Pirate Audio you are lucky, as in the Quick Start section of the home page he refers to Glenn's site,which gives a step by step guide of installation with this soundcard in "human language".

So I suggest to start with that guide and if things still won't work, the forum community can try to help further.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Samplerbox / Pirate Audio Lineout / Pi 3B+ question(s) - by noek - 09-12-24, 21:06