Doesn't work on my Pi3b+
Started by Bmclp

2 posts in this topic

13-06-24, 22:14 -
Hello ! I need some help out here ^^ !

I have tried the origin samplerbox on my Pi3b+ and it works fine but I discovered hansehv's version wich looks better , so I wanted to give it a try.

So I flashed my SD with the Sbox20220206.img giving me a boot partition and Samples partition
But when I turn on my Pi it's loading and my keyboard turning on and then no sound .... My Pi is only red light and sometime a quick green one. (I tried to remormat, re flash the sd, with a usb stick and without ect...)

What am I doing wrong ? What is the problem ?

Messages In This Thread
Doesn't work on my Pi3b+ - by Bmclp - 13-06-24, 22:14
RE: Doesn't work on my Pi3b+ - by Bmclp - 14-06-24, 10:41
RE: Doesn't work on my Pi3b+ - by noek - 21-06-24, 22:06