Started by LittleRigz

3 posts in this topic

25-07-22, 14:36 -
While I was getting the multitimbral settings to work on my Sampler Box, I stumbled on this post:

In the post, petedevries21 says he set "MULTI_TIMBRALS = All" in his configuration.txt, but when I did the same the MT settings didn't work. MT only worked when I entered the specific name of my MIDI controller (i.e. "MULTI_TIMBRALS = Specific Name of My MIDI Controller").

I want to be able to plug in any MIDI controller and make it a MT device, regardless of its name. Is there a way to activate MT for all connected MIDI devices? Or was petedevries21's thread a red herring?

Messages In This Thread
Multitimbral - by LittleRigz - 25-07-22, 14:36
RE: Multitimbral - by hansehv - 25-07-22, 21:41
RE: Multitimbral - by Guest - 26-07-22, 02:58
RE: Multitimbral - by hansehv - 26-07-22, 21:08