20-02-21, 15:00 -
Before I go to work trying to solve an issue that doesn't exist, I was curious to see if anyone else had a configuration they are using that achieves this result:
I am trying to get a sample that is a part of a mute group to self-mute and re-trigger.
Here the mute group works mostly as I intend.
Each midi note will play its sample to the end unless another midi note is played (%%mode=once).
A given midi note will choke every note that is different (*%midinote.wav,%mutegroup=1)
If the same midi note is played consecutively, however, the same sample will stack and continue to keep playing.
I have experimented with permutations of different re-trigger modes along with different damp and release settings, but they don't quite get there.
I just wanted to see if someone had a creative definition file solution, before I try editing the samplerbox.py file.
Before I go to work trying to solve an issue that doesn't exist, I was curious to see if anyone else had a configuration they are using that achieves this result:
I am trying to get a sample that is a part of a mute group to self-mute and re-trigger.
Here the mute group works mostly as I intend.
Each midi note will play its sample to the end unless another midi note is played (%%mode=once).
A given midi note will choke every note that is different (*%midinote.wav,%mutegroup=1)
If the same midi note is played consecutively, however, the same sample will stack and continue to keep playing.
I have experimented with permutations of different re-trigger modes along with different damp and release settings, but they don't quite get there.
I just wanted to see if someone had a creative definition file solution, before I try editing the samplerbox.py file.