SamplerBox and Pure Data: Theory and Practice
Started by bbishop

14 posts in this topic

33 posts 7 threads Joined: May 2021
30-12-21, 05:49 -
A little video of my current setup, with the HiFi Berry feeding into the Behringer USB card. The other board you see is a simple gpio extender, just giving me access to the pins not being used by the soundcard.

I'm running PD from the terminal without the GUI. Reverb and sine wave synth voice (you can hear it under the piano) are both via pure data. This is the closest to headless I've gone, my only problem is in creating a permanent or auto midi connection to pure data, I'm having to connect my keyboard each time with aconnectgui. Any help or insight into figuring this last part out would be greatly appreciated (some sort of script for the alsa sequencer? Or some way to create a permanent connection from the samplerbox midi thru to pure data?? This is not the part I'm good at, unfortunately)

I went back to a simple patch because my previous FM synth patch was way too complex (not so much resource wise, but I would need to build a midi controller with dozens of controls), once I have this permanent midi connection/headless system figured out I will focus on building the of patches from the ground up

Messages In This Thread
RE: SamplerBox and Pure Data: Theory and Practice - by bbishop - 30-12-21, 05:49