19-11-21, 21:39 -
Hi Squar0L,
Like to help, but I don't exactly get what you're looking for.
Like to help, but I don't exactly get what you're looking for.
- Multitimbral support is turned on by defining the device in configuration.txt with parameter "MULTI_TIMBRALS =" which depends on your device(s).
You can find the devicename as samplerbox sees it either in the messages of the console when starting manually or in the webgui in "LCD Menu" (button on the very bottom of the dashboard.
- Translating channels to voices is by default midichannel=>voice.
This default behaviour can be changed with a "MTchannelmap.csv" in the active preset folder. You can find an example in the "1 MidiPlayer" of the demos on the distributed image.