Accessing the /samples/ partition, etc.
Started by Ryan Steinbruner

14 posts in this topic
Ryan Steinbruner

Lightbulb  15-02-21, 12:51 -

I'm a musician who is trying to build a sampler for my M-Audio USB MIDI keyboard using my Raspberry Pi 3B, a 32GB SD card with the latest version of the SamplerBox image flashed to it, and an audio hat called AUDIO+ from RaspiAudio.  I would like to store all my samples on this SD card, and I would rather not have to use a screen or thumbdrives in order to make this work.  I am also aware that I can control which MIDI triggers switch samples or alter effects by editing the code.

Problem #1) 
I don't know how to set up my audio hat on SamplerBox, as the instructions are for a normal copy of Raspi.
The audio hat I'm using is called AUDIO+ from RaspiAudio. It uses GPIO, and it uses the following pins:
GPIO21, GPIO19, GPIO18, Grnd, 3.3v
The installation instructions tell me to run this on the command line:
sudo wget -O - script(dot)raspiaudio(dot)com | bash

If I type that without the sudo in SampleBox's terminal, will it add functionality to this external soundcard?

Problem #2)
I cannot figure out how to add samples without using the thumbdrive.  I reserved a 32GB SD card specifically for this project specifically so I wouldn't have to use a thumbdrive, as to have a more compact setup.  I would like to know how to access the /samples/ partition, make it RW, and expanding the partition. I bought a 32GB SD card just for this project, and I really don't want to mess with thumb drives, because there's only a few instruments I'll need for my live performances.

I am grateful and appreciative of any help.  Thank you so much. Smile

- Ryan

Messages In This Thread
Accessing the /samples/ partition, etc. - by Ryan Steinbruner - 15-02-21, 12:51