09-06-21, 22:12 -
Hi Willi,
I know of one tested PIsound implementation on newest release, but not it's exact details so next info is not as complete as it could be.
That build has a 7-segment I2C display and has been tested with two buttons, but actually uses one. Might be the PIsound button.
So it's possible to use the GPIO pins, but looking at PIsounds specs & pictures, I figure it took some soldering skills
From configuring point of view it's a standard "hat-DAC" and should be autodetected - I don't know if mentioned build uses autodetect as it's an early adapter and may still use explicit values.
However the driver has to be enabled, so (theoretically interpreting the docs): in the (/boot/)config.txt you need to comment the "dtparam=audio=on" line and add a "dtoverlay=pisound" line. But you're not a this detailed stage yet....
I've added the "USE_48kHz=<False/True>" for DACs working hardcoded on 48kHz in combination 44100Hz samples. Please read the "What about sample rates, choose between 44100Hz and 48kHz" FAQ or the build page for additional details.
This way you also follow posting guideline #2, which I would appreciate, though I do understand it's overwhelming. On the other hand: it's DIY.
I know of one tested PIsound implementation on newest release, but not it's exact details so next info is not as complete as it could be.
That build has a 7-segment I2C display and has been tested with two buttons, but actually uses one. Might be the PIsound button.
So it's possible to use the GPIO pins, but looking at PIsounds specs & pictures, I figure it took some soldering skills
From configuring point of view it's a standard "hat-DAC" and should be autodetected - I don't know if mentioned build uses autodetect as it's an early adapter and may still use explicit values.
However the driver has to be enabled, so (theoretically interpreting the docs): in the (/boot/)config.txt you need to comment the "dtparam=audio=on" line and add a "dtoverlay=pisound" line. But you're not a this detailed stage yet....
I've added the "USE_48kHz=<False/True>" for DACs working hardcoded on 48kHz in combination 44100Hz samples. Please read the "What about sample rates, choose between 44100Hz and 48kHz" FAQ or the build page for additional details.
This way you also follow posting guideline #2, which I would appreciate, though I do understand it's overwhelming. On the other hand: it's DIY.