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Posted by hansehv - 04-09-22, 20:09
(04-09-22, 14:46)Samplerming Wrote: Could you please add a file so we can set which Pin we want to use to scroll between SampleSets, so we're not limited to just the 'Program' button? 
In the meantime, maybe someone could tell me what I can change in the source in order to change the Pin input from the Program button to another button?
Hi Samplerming,
You can define the layout of your controllers on ControllerCCs.csv and map available buttons/pot/etc to lots of functions (so also program change) via CCmap.csv.
Alternative is the webgui.
I suggest reading the docs before discussing changing the source. But as it's open source, you can change whatever you think is appropriate.
Regards, Hans
Posted by Samplerming - 04-09-22, 14:46
I have a lot of controllers, and none have a 'Program' button. They all have buttons though, for Octave, Pause/Play, and other things.

Could you please add a file so we can set which Pin we want to use to scroll between SampleSets, so we're not limited to just the 'Program' button? 

You could add a line of code to your source to say, read this file and if it has a Pin written into it (by the user), load that. If nothing has been added to that file, just load 'Program' button. That way your code is unchanged but you allow us to use basically any controller out there, basically making your program universally usable.

In the meantime, maybe someone could tell me what I can change in the source in order to change the Pin input from the Program button to another button?