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Posted by TomClancysRainbowSeven - 09-12-24, 22:03
hi Noek! thanks for the reply, and yeah Glenn's guide is the one I was referring to in my post! Smile  I replaced those configuration files with Glenn's specific ones for the pirate audio, so I'm wondering if I've maybe got to do any further tweaks? 

for the record, is it literally just replacing .txt files in the BOOT / Samplerbox folders, or am I meant to be doing anything more in the back end that I need to learn?

thanks again
Posted by noek - 09-12-24, 21:06

Indeed there are a few things to be changed as every soundcard has its own specifics. And as long as the Raspberry does not recognize the hardware, Samplerbox can't find it either. There is a hint for that in the configuration tab of the docs when you expand "In the root".
But sometimes it's hard to find / a bit cryptic.
I assume Hans focused on the software and tech docs.

For the Pirate Audio you are lucky, as in the Quick Start section of the home page he refers to Glenn's site,which gives a step by step guide of installation with this soundcard in "human language".

So I suggest to start with that guide and if things still won't work, the forum community can try to help further.

Posted by TomClancysRainbowSeven - 06-12-24, 22:33
hi, wanted to try the samplerbox so followed the instructions here 

I'm completely new to this so need to ask, is it as simple as downloading that disk image and putting it on the sd card as an OS (replacing those config files along the way and putting the samples on there too) and the pi will just work with it? Or is there something you need to do to the pi before?

When I've followed the instructions, put the Pirate Audio thing on top, plugged everything in and powered up, the screen turns on, but no image comes. The act light flashes a few times but that's it.

I'm aware i'm laughably out of my depth here. Naively thought it was a case of getting the gear together, installing the disc image, and it would be ready to go. If that's not the case, and there's stuff I need to do/learn first, any advice would be really appreciated.