General remarks the csv files: - Delimiters can be comma, semicolon or tab - Quotes and space are ignored - So you cannot use above characters in names !! - A field starting with # means this field plus following are comments - Rows containing syntax errors will be ignored with error messages - These error messages are displayed when the script is run manually ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of controllerCCs.csv: - Headings! - Controller: Controller name - CC: The control change number this controller sends - Val: The value for this control change sent by this controller (this is often configurable) Value -1 indicates a continuous controller (wheel, pot, drawbar) This list will be appended with the notenames as defined in keynotes.csv: The controller name is this notename The CC of these notes is defined in the configuration.txt via NOTES_CC The Val is the notenumber (so C4 sends CC=60, but this is transparant for you) All this to facilitate the "Ctrl" in the notemaps It requires the optional keynotes.csv ---- ==> the distributed file shows my setup, you should adapt that to your equipment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of CCmap.csv: - Headings! - Controller: name as defined in controllerCCs.csv (this is the link) You can, but do not have to, list all defined controllers here UA=unassigned means no controller is set to the function mapped in this row - Next columns refer to internal functions/values (see Controls.csv for overview) - Type: this a kind of category. - Fixed: internal hardcoded function (name in next column) - Backtracks: depends on the backtracks defined in active preset. - Chords: defined in the chords.csv (see below) - Scales: defined in the scales.csv (see below) - Voices: depends on the voices defined in active preset. - SMFs : depends on the midifiles defined in active preset. - UA=unassigned: to be used when you don't assign a controller - Sets: depends on the type - Fixed: function that will be called using the value (Col3 of midi_controllers) - Others: value, depending on type: voice#, backtrack#, chordname, scalename - Mode: how the samplerbox treats this function - Continuous: accepts values 0-127 - Switch: will set function on when receiving value and off when receiving 0. - Toggle: will set function on when receiving value and off on next receive value - SwitchOn: will set function on when receiving value - SwitchOff: will set function off when receiving value ---- ==> the distributed file showes my setup, you should adapt that to your equipment ---- ==> the CCmap.csv in sampleset directory has an extra leftmost column: <== --- - Voice: to which voice this override (change or addition) applies: - 0: applies to all voices in this set except when an explicit voice override is also specified) - 1-127: override this voice only ---- ==> Controls.csv gives values of all implemented functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of keynotes.csv (optional, if omitted, note mapping can only be done via midinotes): - Headings! - Key: Desired name of the midisensor (key, snare, pad..) - Midinote: note sent by this midisensor - Drumpad Midinote: optional, this note on channel 10 will be translated to Midinote on active channel (default 1) ---- ==> keynotes-examples.csv shows some examples ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of chords.csv: - No headings! - Column1: chordname - Next columns give displacement of notes to be played, based from the original note. So column2 is mostly 0 (but you may have creative ideas :-) Yes, also negative values are allowed... - only positive values are allowed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of scales.csv (only works in 12-tone scales): - Headings! - Column1=Scale: scalename - Next 12 columns give chords to played when heading note is played These chords have to be defined in the chords.csv - Values 0 or - mean single note - You must fill 12 note values !! The samplerbox will run, but misbehave otherwise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of menu.csv (for buttons, both GPIO and midi): - Headings! Column1 heading title is adaptable and used as name for top level menu - Column1=Menu: Adaptable names of the second level (sub)menus. - Column2=Item: Second level menu items, this have to correspond with UI-procs - Column3=Specs: Either: - UI-proc referring to table related to the item (Chord has Chordname as related table) - Value range (0-100) optionally extended with changevalue (changevalue=1 is default) (0-100-5 has a range 0-100 and button will make 20 steps of 5) - Column4=Show as: Gives the name to show for the item if you want it to be different ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax of FXpresets.csv: - Headings! - Column1=Parameter: name of the parameter defined here - Column2=Value: preset value - Column3=Comment: gives accepted values and other info